Orb_it: Orbit Integrator Tester

I created an end-to-end tester for testing asteroid orbit integration software such as Find_Orb, OpenOrb, and OrbFit. It also acts as a python wrapper api so that these integrators can be used outside of the tester and directly in a python program. This work was done while I was employed as a part time sofware developer at B612 Foundation Asteroid Institute ADAM Program and the Data Intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology (DiRAC) Institute at the University of Washington Astronomy Department. This work resulted in me publishing a AAS Research Note titled Orb_it: A Validation Package for Orbit Integrators in September 2022. I also presented this work at the Astronomy Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Conference XXXII. My research note also lead to me being interviewed for the AAS Journal Author Series on YouTube, which you can find embedded below.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech